Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I vaguely heard A saying something in the car the other day. 

Me: Uh, A, did you just say you're going to marry the boys (her cousins)?
A: (exasperated) Well, apparently I have to pick just one.
Me: Umm...we don't marry our cousins. We marry someone outside of our family and start a new family.
A: (starts crying)
Me: Oh, sweetie, I understand, it seems like a really good idea because then you'd just be with all the same family, but it doesn't work like that. Had you been thinking that this was your plan for awhile?
A: (still sniffling) yeah
Me: Ok, let's pray about the boy who is most likely out there right now and is going to be your husband (we continue on to pray).
A, after praying: Ok, my heart hurts a little less now.

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