Wednesday, February 29, 2012

W just said, "Mama, you can do anything you want with your life. You can wash the dishes, you can work harder helping us pick up our toys..."

Yeah. I'll get right on that life goal there.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A just held a plank for 2:33. She beat almost all the big kids.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Me: A, those are sure cute jammies.

A: Cute as a pickle!

Friday, February 24, 2012

W growls.

A scolds her: We're not lions! We're glitter power puppies!

W switches to puppy noises without missing a beat.

W: I had a bad dream!

Me: I'm sorry...what was it about?

W: My door opened slowly, slowly and little tiny creature with a very small face came out and creeped toward me, creeped slowly, while I was watchin' him the whole time come closer.

Me: Oh, I hate bad dreams like that - good thing it's not real! (thinks to self, well crap, now I'm going to have nightmares tonight).
We're walking into the grocery store when W says, "Mama? If there was a little tiny car in my mouth it might run over my gum."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A came home so excited..."Mama! Mama! Look! Look! I got my first CrossFit bruise!" She wanted me to take a pic to record the milestone. It's from box jumps. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A told her Daddy that she wants to open 3 things. 1. A bar store. 2. A CD store 3. A paleo restaurant.

No, it's not what you're thinking. Bars like protein bars. The bar store will only be open in the morning, the CD store in the afternoon, and the restaurant for dinner. She's got big plans, this kid.
A is singing a song. "Let me tell you about Belle the dog and Belle the Princess and Taco Bell. They all have b's and that's alliteration..."

Friday, February 17, 2012

A got sent to time out right before dinner for talking back. After 5 min, I told her she could come out. She replied that she was still thinking about her attitude and it was taking awhile.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On the way home from CrossFit, A was describing the paleo restaurant she is going to open someday. She then said "Someday, you'll be driving in Salem and say, oh, there's Paleo Restaurant, and you'll remember when I was five and first told you about it."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A just told me a story. I told her it was a great story, and she replied, "I have lot of them! That was just the first of Season 2!"
W just got her jammies on and discovered she was still wearing the paper bracelet from the museum. She handed it to me, and with a very worried looks said, "they gave this to me at the museum and I forgot to give it back!!"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oh, the narcissism of children. A looks at this photo and says, "Oh. my. gosh. That is the most beautiful butterfly I've ever seen. It's just beautiful. It's me. Really, really beautiful."

"I'm a rainbow! I'm a rainbow!"
I picked up a book on Mt St Helens for A at Goodwill. When I gave it to her, her mouth fell open and she said, "oh. my. gosh. This is the BEST thing you have ever gotten me. Ever."

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A just tried to "play a joke on W". She managed to run into the wall so hard she gave herself a bloody nose and split lip.
We're at the grocery store today. I say, "Well, I think that's everything on our list. Unless you can think of something." A looks around and says, "maybe some wine?"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another lecture goes like this:

A: So the Torah is like part of how the Bible was written.
Me: Yeah, it's the first five books of the Bible, God's instructions.
A: That's a good point, Mama.
W: (farts really loud and long)
A: (without missing a beat or giggling) And that's also a good point, W.
A is using a foam roller as a podium and doing a presentation. She has three unicorn My Little Ponies on it. In her best lecture voice she says, "Ok. So did you know that none of these things actually exist? Uh, well, except for me. I exist."

Monday, February 6, 2012

We pulled into the grocery store today, and W pointed and started yelling excitedly, "Look Mama! A vegetable! A vegetable!" Since we're not in the store yet, I'm perplexed. I notice that the store across the street has a carnival setting up. I think for a moment and ask, "do you mean FESTIVAL?" She nods her head and says, "Yes, look at the vegetable."

I'm guessing she's probably been a little confused all this time when we ask her to eat her vegetables...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

At a party with a reptile show, W sat in the front. After the first snake, she came running back to me and exclaimed, "Mama, I'm really scared of snakes!" And then proceeded to run right back to her front and center place and lean forward...
At a birthday party this weekend, another mom pointed at W and asked, "Is she yours?" At my nod, she gushed, "oh my goodness, she's just so angelic."

I had to refrain from saying, "BWA HA HA!"

As I write this at home, W is sitting on the floor, loudly humming "Farmer in the Dell" in a creepy minor tone while sending cars, dolls and other toys to their death down the stairs.

Friday, February 3, 2012

So excited! W gets to start at Trackers Earth next only concern is how to pack enough food to get her through 4 hours!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

W just told me, "you know what the Bible says? That princesses don't go potty."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I vaguely heard A saying something in the car the other day. 

Me: Uh, A, did you just say you're going to marry the boys (her cousins)?
A: (exasperated) Well, apparently I have to pick just one.
Me: Umm...we don't marry our cousins. We marry someone outside of our family and start a new family.
A: (starts crying)
Me: Oh, sweetie, I understand, it seems like a really good idea because then you'd just be with all the same family, but it doesn't work like that. Had you been thinking that this was your plan for awhile?
A: (still sniffling) yeah
Me: Ok, let's pray about the boy who is most likely out there right now and is going to be your husband (we continue on to pray).
A, after praying: Ok, my heart hurts a little less now.