Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I think W's been watching too much Mario Bros with Daddy - she's developing an Italian accent. Today: "I not lika getta shots". Yesterday: "I lika da shoes".
Well, modesty is certainly taught, not automatic. A just came running up to me and asked for a snack.

Me: Okay, but why are you naked?

A: I dunno.

Me: Where are your underwear?

A: I dunno.

Me: Well, you have to at least wear underwear.

A: Why?

Me: Sigh.
A just came into the family room with a head of wet hair. I asked her what she did - she finally quietly admitted it was potty water! She stuck her head in the toliet!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A's prayers tonight: "Thank you for all the good stuff today and for all the learning at SCHOOL!" She begged me all day to do school - I don't want to burn her out but she would be happy if we did it twice a day every day! :)
A just started crying and ran away from Daddy after he returned from a run because "he was wet" (sweaty). She is now walking around with a grossed out look on her face and wiping her hands off.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

W just held up her baby doll and said "Uh oh, baby is poopy".

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The song Rock a Bye Baby is now banned in our house. A has been crying off and on for the last hour "but the baby fell down!". She is finally in her room, after tearfully admonishing Daddy, "Daddy, you sang a bad song".

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A and I were discussing who in our family is a girl, and who is a boy. She concluded with "I love my Daddy Boy!"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A: "can you say hello, W?"

W: "Hello, W."

Not even 2 and such a comedian already.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A at 11 pm last night, hysterical: I need to put pajamas on!!!

Daddy: but you have a nightshirt on.

A: but I need PAJAMAS!

Daddy: Ok fine (goes to get pajama pants and bottoms).

A: (takes off nightgown, looks at it, still hysterically crying) But these ARE pajamas! (Puts nightgown back on, stops crying, goes back to bed quietly.)

Seriously, what goes through this kid's head sometimes?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Daddy asked A what his name is. She replied "Uncle S-"
I told A that we could either go to CrossFit or to see the Reptile Man tomorrow. No contest. 3-2-1 Go!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The things grandpas and granddaughters share...
A requests that W tuck her in, then provides the following instructions: Give me a hug. Now give me a kiss. Now say night night and I love you. Give me another hug. Now get out of my room.
A farted REALLY loudly and with startled look exclaimed "My butt just went boom!"

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Heading outside to spend the morning on the deck. The sun, the sound of running water, and the sound of kids screaming in excitement...
Starting to read "The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When the World Overwhelms Them". Got some tips from the website that are already helping A, looking forward to seeing what other insights the book provides.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Please pray - W had a breath holding spell (just like A - so it must be genetic) while sitting on a kitchen stool and fell limp onto the hardwood floor. Knot on her head, black eye, red side of her face/ear. Seems to be ok, but watching her closely for signs of head injury.

Monday, March 1, 2010

W just farted and then said to herself "oh! bless you!"